
Sauerkraut Canning 2 Canning Homemade Sauerkraut
I have a number of recipes and links about making kraut in the Simple Recipe Article. This Article is about canning the kraut for long term storage. Because of the high acid content, a pressure canner is not needed. Water bath canners are safe to use. Get your basic water bath canning methods and processing times from a source you trust, such as the USDA recommendations found in modern books. I like some of the older ideas in my collection of vintage cooking and canning books, but I double check... Read more →
Spelt, Nearing Maturity 1 Small Grains can be grown in your Garden Too!
Be sure to stop by our 'Videos' in green lettering on the homepage to find "Harvesting Flint Indian Corn at Seed for Security" Flint and Dent corn are truly the King of American grains. Where ever Corn can be grown, it yields more grain from less seed. It needs fertile soil, and a good amount of water throughout the growing season. It likes at least two months of hot weather. You may have a drier climate, or it may not get hot enough where you live. Then you will have... Read more →
New Search Feature
We've added a search feature that's available at the top of each page. This search box will allow you to find products, photos, articles and links on our website. Enjoy! As always, feel free to comment on the new feature with the Contact Us page. Read more →
Articles Section
We've updated the blog section with a sort feature. By default all of the articles are sorted into categories. With a simple click of the mouse, you can sort the articles alphabetically or by date, with the newest article on top. If you can think of another way you'd like to be able to sort the articles, or have a comment about the new system feel free to contact us. Read more →
Now Taking Orders
We have just put the finishing touches on the products section. We currently offer one product, a collection of vegetable seeds. We've also added some links to important parts of the website on the homepage. Let us know what you think here. Enjoy! Read more →
Crimson Clover cover crop 2 Beans, Beans, Beans!
Beans are the most important single garden crop. Once fully mature, they provide protein. Peas and lentils are part of the same family too. I like both of those, but I'd much rather choose from the milder beans to eat every day. They are all Legumes, which means they can use Nitrogen from the air to make protein. Other vegetables or grains can't do that. Peanuts, clover and alfalfa are in the Legume family too. The plant residue after the final harvest should be cultivated in, to share the Nitrogen... Read more →
Pumpkins and Squash Winter Squash and Pumpkins
These are ideal crops to grow because they are so easy to keep in a cool dry place. For back room storage, select sound fruit, free of surface damage. Let it cure in a sunny but dry place, such as a porch or car port. Later, If your house is still too warm, a dry barn or shed is fine until colder weather. Then you can safely bring them inside. During this whole process, protect them from freezing. You should check them about once a week. If you find a... Read more →
Jerusalem Artichokes Jerusalem Artichokes, Poor Man's Potatoes
The easiest to grow, starchy vegetable is the Jerusalem Artichoke. This vigorous relative of sunflower, tobacco, tomato, and potato is a member of the Nightshade family. It is raised to produce eatable roots. It is started from root cuttings, like potatoes, and forms tubers in the fall. Your first harvest can begin after the tops die back for winter. Dig in spots scattered throughout the bed. The tubers are sort of knobby and skinless, and you will recognize them as being like what you planted. They keep best right... Read more →
Dry and Shell Beans Planning Home Food Production
Even with only a relatively small area to work with, much of our food can be grown at home. This is how to start. You should have a very short list of foods you absolutely will not eat, or are allergic to. Remember, freshly harvested foods all taste much better than anything you can buy. Your goal is to be harvesting a reasonably balanced diet as many months out of the year as possible and to store foods for the rest of the year. You want to spread out the... Read more →
Grain plot Mature Hulless Oats Gardening is Not Just for Vegetables
Most people eat far more starchy foods than meats or vegetables. Wheat, Rice, Corn, Potatoes and Beans have been the foundation of many cultures. These are field crops that don't require the attention of vegetables, but will need several times as much space to grow a year's supply. Your local climate will determine which ones you can grow. I'd try to find out what the native peoples and early settlers grew for their own food. The common agricultural crops in your area today are worth noting, but they... Read more →